Clear Aligners is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses transparent dental braces to discreetly and gently move teeth into their proper position. It is designed to be worn during various activities, including sports, and can be easily removed for eating and cleaning. The process begins with the use of an intraoral teeth scanner to create a 3D model of the patient’s oral cavity. Using this model, the orthodontist can design a personalised treatment plan based on the alignment of the teeth, even simulating the expected results after teeth correction. Invisalign is suitable for cases where tooth extraction is not required.
隐形矫正,是⼀种透明牙套,它紧贴于牙齿、会帮助悄悄移动牙齿的矫正⽅式的设计,戴著运动也安全,可随时取下⾃由饮食、随时清洁。⾸先透过 intraoral scan ⼜内扫描仪,取得患者⼜腔内的 3D 模型,接著医师就可以根据齿列情形,设计出最适合患者的矫正疗程,甚至模拟出牙齿矫正后的结果,适合⽤在不拔牙矫正的情况。