
Whitening: Home Kit Whitening 冷光美⽩
The principle of blue light whitening is to use oxidation-reduction reaction to restore the brighter and whiter color of your original teeth.
Blue light whitening is a method used in teeth whitening treatments. It primarily involves applying a teeth whitening gel made from hydrogen peroxide onto the teeth, and then using low-temperature cold light from an LED whitening lamp to promote oxidation-reduction reactions that help restore the teeth to a bright white color. The reason behind naming it blue light whitening is because the light used in this process does not generate heat. However, the light may still affect your eyes therefore while undergoing treatment, a dentist will assist their patient in wearing special protective goggles.
冷光美⽩是牙齿美⽩疗程中的⼀种处置⽅式,其主要是透过在牙齿上涂抹以过氧化氢制成的牙齿美⽩凝胶,并藉由 LED 美⽩灯低温冷光的照射,促成氧化还原反应来帮助牙齿恢复亮⽩。⽽之所以会称为冷光美⽩,就是因为过程中使⽤的光线并不会产⽣热能,但光线仍可能影响眼睛,因此在疗程当中医师会协助配戴专⽤的护⽬镜。