
Oral Disease ⼜腔疾病
One of the most common afflictions is oral ulcers. Oral ulcers have many causes. Some
are associated with physical or chemical trauma, infection from microorganisms or
viruses, medical conditions or medications. Other oral ulcers may be cancerous. Yet
others are nonspecific causes. The possible causes of an oral cancer need to be correctly
established before an appropriate treatment can be given.
其中⼀种最常见的疾病是⼜腔溃疡。⼜腔溃疡有许多原因。⼀些与⽣理或化学创伤、微⽣物或 病毒感染、医疗条件或药物相关。其他⼜腔溃疡可能是癌性的。还有⼀些是非特定原因引起的。在进⾏适当的治疗之前 ,需要正确确定⼜腔溃疡的可能原因。