Myobraces is a type of dental appliance specifically designed for children who grind their teeth during nighttime sleep. It offers a simple way to protect teeth from damage caused by teeth grinding and clenching, similar to the Night Guard commonly used by adults
It is typically made of soft or hard plastic material, resembling a retainer, and is used to cover either the upper or lower set of teeth. Night Guard is a popular method for improving sleep teeth grinding. It helps to relieve the pressure of clenching and prevents teeth grinding, further aiding in preventing gum inflammation
Myobraces 是⼀种专门为会于夜间睡眠时期会磨牙的⼩孩所设计之牙套,能保护牙齿免受磨牙和紧咬牙齿损害的简单⽅法,与⼀般⼤⼈配戴的 Night Guard 相似。