Extraction 拔牙
Extraction is a surgical procedure to remove a tooth from its socket in the alveolar bone. It is a common procedure in oral and maxillofacial surgery and is used to treat oral and maxillofacial conditions originating from the teeth or as a surgical measure for certain systemic conditions. Typically, the duration of the surgery ranges from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
拔牙是使牙齿脱离齿槽骨的⼀种⼿术,是⼜腔颚⾯外科的常见⼿术,也是治疗⼜腔颚⾯部牙源性疾病,或某些相关全身病的外科措施,⼀般⼿术所需时间⼤约为 30分钟至 1个半⼩时右。
Q. 需要拔除的牙齿有哪些?
1. 牙齿因严重龋齿⽽造成牙冠⼤部分缺损、牙根及牙根周围情况不佳等因素造成无法修复之原因。
When a decaying tooth cannot be restored. This may be a result of significant loss of tooth structure, poor tooth root condition, along with its surrounding area.
2. 无法使⽤根管治疗等⽅法保留的严重根尖周围炎患者和没有治疗价值的晚期牙周病牙(牙齿松动厉害)。
Patients with severe periapical infection or when endodontic treatment is not feasible. As well as in case of advance periodontal disease where the tooth is non-restorable.
3. 造成邻牙龋齿或反复引起牙周炎的阻⽣牙。
Impacted teeth that cause adjacent tooth decay or recurrent periodontal inflammation.
4. 影响功能及美观、引起疾病或创伤等的错位牙。
Misaligned teeth that affect function, aesthetics, cause disease, or are the result of trauma.
5. 无功能牙齿,如拔除智齿、多⽣牙。
Non-functional teeth, such as wisdom teeth and supernumerary teeth.
6. 影响恒牙正常萌出的滞留乳牙应尽早拔除,以免造成恒牙错位排列。
Retained deciduous teeth that impede the normal eruption of permanent teeth should be extracted early to prevent misalignment of permanent teeth.
7. 创伤牙・因外伤导致牙齿折制至龈下或同时有牙根断裂,⽽造成该牙无法保存。
Traumatized teeth that are fractured below the gum line or have fractured roots due to injury, resulting in non-salvageable tooth.